Using the AI Image Generator (Beta)


The SundaySky AI Image Generator, developed with Google Vertex, can transform your ideas and input into a high-resolution image.

The AI Image Generator is designed for both novice and expert prompt writers. With an easy-to-use and friendly prompt generator, you are sure to generate the images that will support your video's message. One of the tool's main features is the ability to use the voice-over in the video as a starting point for generating the prompt.

Currently in beta release, the AI Image Generator will be continuously improved and refined to ensure that its output perfectly matches your needs.

Generating a New Image

1. From the scene line-up, select the relevant scene.
2. Select the media placeholder to which you want to add an image.
3. On the toolbar, click the Generate an image icon.
Click to see another access point for this action


4. (Optional) If this is the first time that you are accessing the AI Image Generator, you will need to accept the terms and conditions before continuing.
  The AI Image Generator is displayed.
5. In the Prompt box, describe the image that you want to generate.
▶ You can also use the Copilot Prompt Generator if you would like the SundaySky AI Copilot to assist you in writing a prompt.
▶ For recommendations on how to write an effective prompt, see Tips for Using the AI Image Generator.
6. Select a style for the image.
Click to see brief descriptions of the styles
Style Description
Photograph High-resolution photorealistic images with a clean, professional look.
Close-up Macro photographic style with tight framing and shallow depth of field for visual impact.
2D illustration Simple 2D art with clean lines, bold shapes, and a minimalist aesthetic.
3D illustration Stylized 3D illustration with bold colors that create playful and eye-catching images.
Black and white photo High contrast black and white photography that evokes a timeless, dramatic mood.
Cinematic photo A high-end film photographic style that generates dramatic images with a narrow plane of focus, and distinctive elements like lens flares and soft background blur.
Icon Minimalist icons used to communicate concepts efficiently in bullet placeholders.
Aerial Striking bird's-eye photos, revealing a unique overhead perspective and visually stunning compositions.
None If you are not sure which style to select, we recommend None.
If you described a style in the prompt that you wrote (e.g. pop art), None would also be the best choice.
7. Click Generate image.
  The generated images (up to four) are displayed.
  After the images are generated, you can continue to any of the following actions:

Preview an image Add an image to the scene Save an image in a folder Regenerate a new image

You can also double-click the image to preview it.

Using the Copilot Prompt Generator

Instead of writing a prompt directly in the prompt box, you can use the SundaySky AI Copilot to assist you in formulating an effective prompt.

1. Click Copilot Prompt Generator beneath the prompt box.
  The Copilot Prompt Generator is launched.
2. In the conversation box, type a description of the image that you want to generate.
▶ If the scene includes a voice-over narration, you can use that as your starting point by typing voice-over.
▶ If you have already begun typing a description in the prompt box, you can use that as your starting point by typing prompt.
3. Press ENTER or click Submit.
  AI Copilot will then ask three questions (example below) to which you'll need to respond with one of the answer options or type in your own answer. After the last question, you can request to adjust the prompt or add more details.
4. When you are happy with the prompt that was formulated, click Insert prompt.
  The prompt provided by AI Copilot is inserted into the prompt box.
5. (Optional) Edit the prompt.
6. Continue with selecting a style.

Tips for Using the AI Image Generator

1. Describe the subject of the image and provide as much detail as possible. When relevant, include the shape, size, and texture of the subject or object.
2. Describe the background that you want for the image.
3. When the image includes people, describe the mood and ambience.
4. In the prompt, avoid using words with conflicting meanings such as "imaginary" and "realistic."
5. If your prompt includes a description of an art style, select None for the style in step 6. This is because the style in the prompt will always override the style that is selected.
6. We recommend that the prompt not include instructions to display specific text in the image as this is currently not supported.
  Below are examples of effective image prompts:
  Two older retired people in a park. They’re walking for exercise and talking, looking very happy and healthy. In the background there are trees. It’s autumn, leaves are coming down on the ground. The feeling is fresh and upbeat.

A scene of a married couple, a man and a woman, both looking at an open laptop computer, and they are smiling with a sense of accomplishment. The table they’re at is clean and modern, and the room is sunny and well-lit from large windows.


1. The images are generated according to the aspect ratio of the media placeholder from which the AI Image Generator was launched.
2. Currently, the AI Image Generator cannot create an image with a transparent background.
3. In Your Media, an image generated with the AI Image Generator can be identified by the AI symbol on the thumbnail.
4. The source of an image generated with the AI Image Generator is indicated accordingly in the Details window of the specific asset.
4. By default, the prompt used to generate the image also serves as the name and description of the image. Both can be edited as required.
▶ For searching purposes, you may want to keep either the name or description as is.
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