
At any stage during the creation process, you can easily send your video (via link) to reviewers in order to get valuable feedback from a range of perspectives. These reviewers can include teams in your organization who do not have access to the SundaySky platform as well as stakeholders outside of your organization. To facilitate the reviewing process, we recommend that reviewers aggregate all their comments pertaining to an individual video in one shared document. After receiving feedback, you can make the required edits and then generate a fresh preview link.

The link you generate can include the entire video or selected scenes.

Generating a preview link is a quick and easy process, after which you can send the link via any means. There is no limit to the number of links that can be generated for an individual video. A preview link is active for 30 days, after which it expires.

A preview link can be generated from either of the following two access points:

Video Page Studio
1. On the Video Page, select the Edit tab.
2. Click Get a Preview link on the right side of the page.
3. (Optional) If the video is personalized, you can select or create a viewer profile that defines what content is included in the link that you are generating.
▶ Note that a viewer profile is based on sample data and not on the actual data that you will use when generating the personalized videos.
4. Select what you would like to include in the link: Full video or individual scenes.
5. Preview the video to make sure that it looks exactly as you expect.
6. Click Get link at the bottom of the window.
  The preview link is generated and copied to your clipboard.
7. (Optional) Click Open page in the confirmation message at the bottom of the screen to open the video preview in a new tab.

Video Preview

Below is an example of how the video preview appears in the browser. Click through the tabs beneath the image to read descriptions of the various components that make up this page.


a b c d e f g h
Preview Link
This is the current preview link URL, active for 30 days.
When you generate a link according to the instructions in this article, it is also automatically copied to your clipboard.
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