
Exporting the script of a video that you've created enables you to see, in PDF format, all the content that the video includes.

This is very useful when you want to share the video content with someone who does not have access to the SundaySky platform or when you want to especially focus on the video's content in a more systematic way. As with any PDF document, those reading the script can highlight the text as well as add their comments.


Following are the key points to know about exporting a video script:

1. If the video is not personalized, all the content is included in the video script.

If the video is personalized, there are two options:

You can create a viewer profile before exporting. The data and logic used in the viewer profile will be reflected in the script.

You can export the script without a viewer profile, thereby displaying the default content for every scene.

  Whichever option you choose, it helps to remember that the content you see when previewing the video is the content exported to the video script file.
3. The video script you export can be that of the entire video or selected scenes.

Exporting a Video Script

The video script can be exported from either of the following two access points:

Video Page Studio
1. On the Video Page, select the Edit tab.
2. Click Export a script on the right side of the page.
3. (Optional) If the video is personalized, you can select or create a viewer profile that defines what content is included in the video script file.
▶ Note that a viewer profile is based on sample data and not on the actual data that you will use when generating the personalized videos.
4. Select the scenes that you would like to include in the video script: Full video or individual scenes.
5. Preview the video to make sure that it looks exactly as you expect.
6. Click Export at the bottom of the window.
  The PDF file is downloaded.

File Contents

On the first page of the file, the following information is displayed:
a. The name of the video.
b. The name of the viewer profile used for the video script (if relevant).
If a viewer profile is not used, No data is displayed.
c. If the video is personalized, the names of the data fields are displayed in this column.
d. If a viewer profile is used for the video script, the relevant data is displayed in this column.
If a viewer profile is not used, this column remains empty.


In the following pages, each type of video content is displayed, according to scene. Click through the tabs beneath the image to read descriptions of each column.


a b c d e
The scene thumbnail (for quick orientation), scene number, and scene name are displayed in this column.
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