If you would like to generate and send a report at a regular interval, you can set up an automatic delivery schedule.
The report, in CSV format, can be sent to an email or server address.
To learn how to create a report, see Creating a New Report (Owned Media) or Creating a New Report (Paid Media).
To schedule a report:
1. |
On the Home Page, click Analytics in the sidebar. |
2. |
Click the Reports tab. |
3. |
Locate the report that you want to schedule. |
4. |
Use either of the following methods to access the scheduling options: |
2. Click the Schedule icon
The Schedule Report dialog is displayed:
5. |
In Send report via, configure the method by which you want to send the report to your company: |
▶ Sends the report to email recipients |
Enter one or more email addresses, separated by a comma. |
▶ Sends the report to an SFTP server using a username and password |
1. |
Enter the server path using the following format: |
2. |
Enter the server username. |
3. |
Enter the server password. |
4. |
Click Test Connection to verify that the connection succeeded. If the connection is successful, the following message is displayed: If the connection fails, the following message is displayed: |
▶ Sends the report to an SFTP server using a public and private key |
1. |
Enter the server path using the following format: |
2. |
Enter the server username. |
3. |
Click Test Connection to verify that the connection succeeded. If the connection is successful, the following message is displayed: If the connection fails, the following message is displayed: |
▶ Sends the report to SundaySky's Amazon Storage Service |
Note: |
Enter the S3 bucket folder path using the following format: s3://<full folder path> |
6. |
In Run report, open the drop-down list and select how often you want to receive the report: daily, weekly, or monthly. |
7. |
In Calculate data through the end of the previous day starting from, define the report range.
8. |
(Optional for owned media only) Click Advanced settings to configure the following optional settings: |
▶ By default, Production is selected.
Select a file naming convention for the report from one of the following options:
▶ SundaySky_[Name of report] [daily,weekly,monthly] (from date)YYYY-MM-DD_(to date) YYYY-MM-DD.csv
This is the default option.
▶ [Name of report]_(generation timestamp)YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv
▶ [Name of report]_(generation date)YYYYMMDD.log
9. |
In Schedule Status, change the status from Disabled to Enabled if you want to begin generating reports. |
10. |
(Optional) Click + SCHEDULE to define another schedule for this report. |
11. |
Click Apply. |
12. |
Click Save on the column selection page. |
13. |
Click Close at the top right of the page. |
The schedule is added to the report.