Descriptions of Report Columns (Paid Media)

When you create a report for paid media in SundaySky, a number of columns—dimensions and metrics—are included by default. Depending on what you want to report on, you can add more columns or remove those that are not needed.

In this article, you'll find general descriptions of the dimensions and metrics, according to section.


Click to see all the available dimensions


Dimension Description
Audience Shows the breakdown of results by targeted audience.
Campaign Name Shows the breakdown of results by campaign name.
Date Displays data according to each day that your ads were active.
Duration Shows the breakdown of results by the duration of the video served (15 / 30 / 45 seconds, etc.)
Placement ID Shows the breakdown of results by placement IDs as configured in the tracking pixels.
Platform Shows the breakdown of results by platform: desktop, mobile, etc.
Product Category Shows the breakdown of results by the category of the product displayed in the video.
Rule Shows the breakdown of results by the business rule used for the bid decision: last product carted, last product viewed, etc.


Click to see all the available metrics


Metric Description
25% Views The number of ads viewed at least through 25% of the video.
50% Views The number of ads viewed at least through 50% of the video.
75% Views The number of ads viewed at least through 75% of the video.
Cart 1 day The number of add to cart events using a 1 day attribution window.
Cart 7 day The number of add to cart events using a 7 day attribution window.
Cart 30 day The number of add to cart events using a 30 day attribution window.
Clicks The number of clicks on your ads.
Completed Views The number of ads viewed completely.
Conversions 1 day The number of conversions using a 1 day attribution window.
Conversions 7 day The number of conversions using a 7 day attribution window.
Conversions 30 day The number of conversions using a 30 day attribution window.
Impressions The number of impressions served.
Return To Site 1 day The number of website visits following an ad using a 1 day attribution window.
Return To Site 7 day The number of website visits following an ad using a 7 day attribution window.
Return To Site 30 day The number of website visits following an ad using a 30 day attribution window.
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