Descriptions of Report Columns (Owned Media)

When you create a report for owned media in SundaySky, a number of columns are included by default. Depending on what you want to report on, you can add more columns or remove those that are not needed. The available columns are divided into four sections: video details, data library elements, buttons, and surveys.

In this article, you'll find general descriptions of the report columns, according to section.

Video Details

This section includes columns pertaining to various aspects of the video session, as described in the table below.

Click to see all the available columns


Column name Description
browser version Full name of browser used by the viewer.
device type Type of device used by the viewer (personal computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.)
is button clicked Indicates whether at least one button was clicked.
is button displayed Indicates whether at least one button was displayed.
is chapter clicked Indicates whether at least one chapter was clicked.
last scene viewed Name of last scene viewed in the video.
os version Full version name of the operating system used by the viewer.
page url URL of the page on which the video was played.
replay clicked total Number of times the viewer clicked the replay button on the player control bar.
session id Unique identifier for the video session.
session start time Date and time on which the video was initiated on the SundaySky end.
source The source of the video view: empty, email, SMS, portal, mobile app
unique scenes viewed Number of unique scenes viewed in the video.
user id Unique identifier for the viewer.
video completion The percentage of the video watched by the viewer.
video duration Duration of the full video (in seconds).
video id Unique identifier for the video given by SundaySky.
video name The video name as currently defined in SundaySky.
video start time Date and time on which the video started playing.

Data Library Elements

This section includes columns corresponding to data elements that you have used in the video. If your video does not include data, this section is not displayed.

In the example below, Customer Type is one of the data elements used in the video to create personalization. If this column is selected for the report, the value that it can hold (for example: platinum, gold, silver) will be displayed for each video session.

The columns Viewer Device and Viewer Mobile Device OS are available to all users, whether you used them in your video or not.



This section includes column headings pertaining to the button activity in the video. Following each button name, the following two column headings can be selected:
1) button clicked: [button name] refers to whether or not the button was clicked as part of the view.
2) button displayed: [button name] refers to whether or not the button was displayed as part of the view.

Each line in the report represents a video view. Depending on the viewer behavior, the values for the column headings are displayed as follows:

Scene with button is not reached button clicked = 0 (false) button displayed = 0 (false)
Scene with button is reached but button is not clicked button clicked = 0 (false) button displayed = 1 (true)
Scene with button is reached and button clicked button clicked = 1 (true) button displayed = 1 (true)

The button names in the screenshot below are examples only. You will see the names of the buttons that you have configured. See Configuring a Button for guidelines on how to name buttons for reporting purposes. Note that the button column headings are displayed only after you have approved your video.



If you have included a survey (NPS or custom-built) in your video, you can include the results of the survey questions according to the video session.

Following each survey ID (in the example below: 123), the survey questions can be selected. If the video included an NPS survey, only one question can be selected. If the survey was custom-built, the number of questions will vary. Hovering over the question ID displays the question that was asked.


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