This article addresses how to trim a video in WebM format. For all other video formats, see Trimming a Video Asset.

After you've added a video asset to a scene, you may want to trim parts of it off and keep only the footage that is relevant to your story. You can do this easily with SundaySky's trimming tool.

Trimming a Video Asset

1. Select the video asset that you want to trim.
2. On the toolbar, click the Edit media icon.
3. Click the Edit asset icon.
  The video asset is opened in the Media Editor, ready for trimming.
4. Drag the handle on each side of the timeline bar to trim the desired portion of the video.
▶ As you trim, you can preview your work by clicking the play button.
▶ The new duration of the video is displayed to the right of the timeline bar.
5. When you are happy with the result, click Apply in the bottom right corner.
6. Note the new duration of the video asset.
7. Click anywhere outside the Media dialog window to close the window.
  The video asset is updated in the placeholder.


1. While you are working, you can always click the Reset button in the upper right corner to discard the changes and start again.
2. After trimming, you can always access the video asset again in the Media Editor and trim a new section.
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