Setting Up Personalized Text Using a Personalization Token


The use of a personalization token enables the customization of on-screen text in your video, using data unique to each viewer.

In the example below, viewers are greeted by their first name in the opening of the video. Note that all other components of the scene are identical.

Debbie_individual.png Steve_individual.png James_individual.png

Here are two examples of how on-screen text can be personalized to create a more customized viewing experience:
1. In a video highlighting insurance plans, the plan held by the viewer can be displayed. The personalization token in this example is plan name.
2. In a job recruitment video, the position offered can be displayed in selected scenes. The personalization token in this example is position.

When you use a personalization token, the token represents data that is passed to SundaySky for each viewer. The token, created with a data field, is populated with actual data passed to SundaySky when the video is rendered for the viewer. For example: the personalization token is position and the data passed for a specific viewer is Product Manager.

Before defining a personalization token for on-screen text, you need to create the relevant data field in the data library. See Creating a New Data Library for guidelines on how to do this.

Configuring the Text

1. From the scene line-up, select the relevant scene.
2. Select the placeholder to which you want to add personalized text.
3. On the toolbar, click the Edit text icon.
4. In the Message field, begin by typing the text that you want everyone to see.
▶ In the example below, all viewers will see the word Welcome.
5. Position the cursor where you want to insert the personalization token and then type a left curly bracket.
  A drop-down list with all the available data fields is displayed.
6. Select the data field that you want to use for the personalization token.
▶ In the example below, viewers will see the word Welcome followed by their first name.
7. (Optional) Format the text as bold or italic.
▶ With free text, you can format all of the text or just specific characters.
▶ A personalization token can only be formatted in its entirety.
8. Type the fallback text. This is the text that is displayed when data is not available.
In the example below: if a viewer's first name is not passed to SundaySky, Hello and Welcome! will be displayed in the scene.
9. Click anywhere outside the configuration dialog window to close the window.
  An icon is added to the text placeholder and to the scene thumbnail in the line-up to indicate that personalization has been added.


1. Only one personalization token can be added to a text placeholder.
2. The font size used for the text in the placeholder depends on the length of the text. The longer the text, the smaller the font size will be, to enable all the text to display in the placeholder.
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