
As you create your video, it is a good idea to preview your work so that you can see how the content you added—text, media, narration, and more—plays in the video. Previewing is important for a number of reasons:

1. You'll see how each scene plays and how the scenes transition from one to another.
2. You'll hear the AI voice you selected, the pronunciation of words, and the background music.
3. You'll be able to see the entirety of the video footage that you added to scenes.
4. If the video includes personalization (with a personalization token or audience messaging), you'll be able to test the variations with sample data.

After each preview, you can make any required adjustments and tweaks.

If you want to share a preview of a video with someone who does not have access to the SundaySky platform, you can download the video to an MP4 file.

Previewing a Video

1. In the Workspace, click the preview button.
2. (Optional) If the video is personalized, you can select or create a viewer profile to see how the video will look to a specific audience. In this way, you can make sure that your audiences see the relevant content.
▶ Note that a viewer profile is based on sample data and not on the actual data that you will use when generating the personalized videos.
3. Use one of the following options to preview the video:
▶ To watch the entire video, choose Full video.
▶ To watch the scene last selected in the scene line-up, choose Selected scene.
▶ To watch individual scenes, choose the scenes that you want to preview. One or more scenes can be selected.
4. Click the play button to watch the preview.


While previewing the video, you may notice that some scenes require a shorter or longer duration in order to play optimally. This can be adjusted using the Minimum Scene Duration feature.
This feature applies to a specific scene so you'll need to select the scene that you want to work on before modifying the duration.

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