
If there is a video that you no longer need, you can archive it and by doing so, reduce clutter in the Video Library.
Once in the Archive, the video can be permanently deleted (if it has not yet been approved) or restored to the Video Library if you'd like to work on it again.

Here are the key points to know about an archived video:

  • An archived video cannot be edited. To edit the video again, you'll first need to restore the video to the Video Library.
  • If the video was shared using a SundaySky landing page, the landing page access will be set to Offline after the video is archived.
  • If the video was shared using the embed code, you will be prompted to delete the embed code (from where you have added it) after you archive the video.
  • If the video was shared via Facebook or LinkedIn, the video will continue to play although it will no longer be editable.

The Archive is accessed via the Archive folder on the Home Page. Unlike the folders that you create to organize videos, the Archive folder exists by default in every account and cannot be edited.


Archiving a Video

1. In the Video Library, locate the video that you want to archive.
2. Click the Options menu and then select Archive according to the view that you are working in.
▶ This option is also available from the Video Page.
Home Page: Grid View Home Page: List View Video Page
3. Click Archive.
  The video is moved to the Archive and a timestamp indicating when the video was archived is displayed on the Video Page.

Restoring a Video

1. On the Home Page, click the Archive folder to access its contents.
2. Locate the video that you want to restore.
3. Click the Options menu and then select Restore according to the view that you are working in.
▶ This option is also available from the Video Page.
Archive: Grid View Archive: List View Video Page
  The video is restored to the Video Library and can again be edited.
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