
If you are using the Acquia DAM to manage your digital assets, having direct access to your media from the SundaySky Studio will both make your work easier and reduce the time you need to spend on transferring media to SundaySky for use in your videos.

Here are the key points to know about the SundaySky–Acquia integration:

1. Your company's Acquia DAM no doubt holds various types of content. As the Acquia integration with SundaySky supports only images and video footage matching the SundaySky media specifications, those are the assets that will be visible and available for your use. All other content (e.g. Word and PDF documents) will not be visible.
2. Assets from your Acquia DAM can be used directly in scenes or copied to Your Media. All assets used in scenes or copied to Your Media for future use are stored in the SundaySky Media Library. If you remove Acquia from your account, the original SundaySky copy of the asset will remain in the Media Library.
3. After adding new assets or updating existing ones in your Acquia DAM, you'll need to refresh the SundaySky platform in order to see the changes.

While the SundaySky–Acquia integration provides you with access to your digital assets in Acquia, it is a one-way sync. This means that you cannot manage your Acquia installation or make any modifications in Acquia via SundaySky. For example, when working in the SundaySky Acquia DAM tab:

  • You can view your Acquia categories but you cannot create a new category.
  • You can view the name of an Acquia asset but you cannot edit the name. However, you can edit the asset name after copying the asset to Your Media.

To learn how to connect your SundaySky account to Acquia, see Connecting Your Account to the Acquia DAM.

Acquia DAM Assets

Once the Acquia DAM is connected to your account, you will see your Acquia categories and individual assets in the Acquia DAM tab. As previously mentioned, only those assets in your Acquia DAM that meet SundaySky's media specifications are available for your use.


To preview an asset, hover over the asset thumbnail and then click the Preview icon.


For each asset, Creation date indicates the date on which the asset was added to the Acquia DAM. Last updated indicates the date on which the asset was last updated in the Acquia DAM.


Searching, Sorting, and Filtering Acquia Assets

The search, sorting, and filtering features in the Acquia Library will help you to quickly locate the media assets that you want to use.

The search bar lets you search for categories and assets whose name contains the search string you enter.


Sorting Assets
Use the sorting option to sort the Acquia assets according to Newest / Oldest (creation date) or alphabetically. After sorting, categories are displayed first, followed by individual assets.
Note that when you sort according to Newest or Oldest, only individual assets are sorted, not categories.


Media Type Filter
Use this filter to find assets according to their type: image or video.


Media Orientation Filter
Use this filter to find assets according to their orientation: horizontal, vertical, square.


Adding an Acquia Asset to a Scene

Any media asset located in the Acquia DAM can be added to a scene providing that it meets the SundaySky media specifications.

1. Inside the SundaySky Studio, click Media in the sidebar.
2. Select the Acquia DAM tab.
3. Locate the relevant Acquia asset.
▶ You can use the search bar and filters to help you locate the asset.
4. Click and drag the media asset to the placeholder.
▶ As you drag the media asset, the placeholder is highlighted, guiding you to where you need to place the media asset.
  The asset is added to the scene and is also automatically added to Your Media.

Copying an Acquia Asset to Your Media

You can copy a media asset from the Acquia DAM to Your Media, and have it ready for future use. When copying an Acquia asset, a copy is created in Your Media and the original asset remains in the Acquia DAM.
If you update the asset in your company Acquia DAM after copying it to Your Media, you'll need to copy the asset to Your Media again and then delete the older version. The asset is not updated automatically. Likewise, the asset would need to be replaced in all the videos in which it was used.

1. Inside the SundaySky Studio, click Media in the sidebar.
2. Select the Acquia DAM tab.
3. Locate the relevant Acquia asset.
▶ You can use the search bar and filters to help you locate the asset.
4. Hover over the media asset and then click the Options menu.
5. Depending on where you want to save the copied asset, select Add to Folder or Add to Your Media.
  The copied asset is added to Your Media or to a specific folder.
▶ An asset imported from Acquia can be identified by the Acquia symbol on the thumbnail.
6. (Optional) Edit the name of the asset.
7. (Optional) Edit the description of the asset.
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