Text placeholders are the elements used for displaying on-screen and button text in the video scenes.
In the SundaySky platform, there are four types of text placeholders: heading, sub-heading, footnote, and button.
When you configure a brand, you can define the formatting that will be applied to text that is typed into each of these placeholders. This formatting includes the font type, letter case, line spacing, and letter spacing and is referred to as a text style.
In all, there are four text styles that can be configured, each one correlating to a text placeholder.
Below is an example of how text placeholders appear in a scene, before text is added. The placeholder title indicates the placeholder type.
A text style is a component of a brand. A brand can be applied to more than one video. If you change text styles in a brand, this will affect both the video you are currently working on as well as all videos using the same brand. We therefore recommend proceeding with caution.
Configuring a Text Style
1. | Inside the Studio, click Brand in the sidebar. |
2. | Locate the relevant brand or create a new one. |
3. | On the brand thumbnail, click the Options menu. |
4. | Select Edit. |
In the Text Styles section, the four placeholder types are displayed. For each one, you can customize the text style that it uses. ▶ If a warning icon is displayed by a placeholder type (Heading in the example below), this indicates that text entered into a placeholder using this text style cannot be formatted with either bold or italics (or both). |
5. | Click the pencil icon by the text style that you want to configure. |
6. | Configure any or all of the following settings: |
Open the drop-down list and select the desired font and weight. A warning icon by a font indicates that the font is missing one or more styles (regular, bold, italic). If the warning icon is by a font in the Font Library, you can select a different system font. If the warning icon is by a font that was uploaded, make sure that the entire font family was uploaded. To add a new font, see Uploading a Custom Font.
Letter case
Select (by clicking) the preferred letter case from one of the following options: As typed, Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize first word, Capitalize each word
Line Spacing
Define the percentage of the text size that will dictate the vertical distance between lines of text. The default value is 100%. This line spacing refers to the vertical distance when text flows continuously and not to a paragraph break (Enter) between lines of text.
Letter Spacing
Define the amount of space between letters. The higher the number, the more white space there will be between the letters. The default value is 0. |
As you configure the settings for the text style, the changes are reflected immediately in the relevant placeholder. You can always use the revert icon |
7. | (Optional) Continue to configure text styles for the other placeholder types. |
8. | Click Save at the bottom of the Edit Brand dialog window to save the configurations. |
1. | When creating a video, you can change the text style in an individual placeholder without making any changes to the brand. See Changing the Text Style in a Placeholder to learn how. |
2. | In addition to the text style, the text you type into a placeholder can also be formatted with a variety of options. |