What is a Button Style?

In a brand, a button style defines how a button appears in a scene in which there is a button. A button style is composed of a shape and three colors.


A button style is a component of a brand. A brand can be applied to more than one video. If you change the button style in a brand, this will affect both the video you are currently working on as well as all videos using the same brand. We therefore recommend proceeding with caution.

Selecting a Button Shape

The SundaySky platform includes three button shapes: rectangular, rounded, and pill.
In the example below, the button shape is rectangular.


In addition to the three distinct button shapes, there is also a theme-recommended button shape. This is the shape that the SundaySky designer feels best matches the theme. If you select a theme-recommended button shape and then change the theme, the button shape is changed according to what is recommended for the new theme that you selected.

Following are the button shapes recommended for each theme:

Theme Button Shape
Craft Rectangular
Elements Rounded
Glyph Rectangular
Hoops Pill
Limbo Pill
Lite Pill
Minimal Pill
Modern Rectangular
Waves Pill

To select a button shape:


In the relevant brand, go to the Button Style section and then click the Edit icon.
▶ For how to create a brand, see Creating a Brand.




In the Shape section, select the button shape that you want to use for the brand.
▶ A blue radio button next to the shape indicates that it is selected.



The button shape is immediately updated in the video.




Click anywhere outside of the Button Style window and then click Save at the bottom of the page.


Selecting Button Colors

A button style includes three colors: text color, fill color, and border color.

To select the button colors:


In the relevant brand, go to the Button Style section and then click the Edit icon.
▶ For how to create a brand, see Creating a Brand.




Go to the Colors section.




Click the color that you want to configure (text, fill, or border).


Select a new color by doing one of the following:
a. Pick a color from the current brand colors.
b. Enter the hex code.
c. Enter the R, G, and B numeric values.
d. Use the color slider to visually select a color.


5. Click anywhere outside of the color selection window.

6. Click anywhere outside of the Button Style window and then click Save at the bottom of the page.

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