Adding a Narration (Without Personalization)


Video scenes can include both on-screen text and narration. The purpose of the narration is to add information to what is displayed on the screen, using a tone and personality appropriate for your audience.

This article provides guidelines on how to add a narration that is not personalized. For how to configure a personalized narration, see the following articles:
Using a Personalization Token to Personalize the Narration
Narration: Message by Audience

Before you begin working, we recommend that you read 9 Best Practices for Writing a Narration.

Adding a Narration

1. Open the relevant video in the Studio.
2. Select the scene that you want to work on.
3. Double-click the narration placeholder.
4. Type the narration for this scene.
5. Click the play button to preview the narration.
▶ If an avatar was added to the scene, it is also displayed in the preview (static or animated, depending on its state).
Without Avatar With Avatar
Preview_narration.png Preview_with_avatar.png

6. Click anywhere outside the Narration dialog window to close the window.
  The narration is added to the scene.
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