By default, the same logo is displayed in all the scenes of a video. This is because the logo is a component of a brand and a brand is applied to the entire video.
There may be times, however, when you would prefer to display a different logo in a specific scene.
Here are some use cases where this can be useful:
1. |
The default brand logo does not display well against the background color of the scene and it's therefore necessary to display a logo with different attributes. |
2. |
In a specific scene, you want to display the logo of a customer, partner, or specific product. |
3. |
You are co-branding the content with another brand name and need to also display their logo. |
Changing the Default Logo
1. |
Open the relevant video in the Studio. |
2. |
From the scene line-up, select the scene in which you want to change the logo. |
3. |
Select the logo placeholder in the scene and then click the Edit logo icon on the toolbar. |
4. |
Toggle the switch to Unlink this logo from brand. |
5. |
Depending on your needs, use one of the following options to change the logo. |
Using this option, a logo is uploaded to the scene and replaces the default logo. All viewers of the video will see this logo in the scene.
Using this option, you can define a specific logo according to the audience that is viewing the video.
Using this option, you can define a logo that is customized to each viewer and specified in the viewer data.
1. |
When the Logo window is open, you can also add a logo by dragging it to the thumbnail of the placeholder. |
2. |
All the tools available for editing a media asset can also be used to edit a logo. These include cropping, trimming, and flipping. |
3. |
If the logo is a video asset, the sound will always be turned off and it cannot be played to the end. |
4. |
At any time, you can go back to using the brand logo by toggling the switch off. |