The SundaySky Video Platform has undergone a major enhancement with the release of the Optimized Scene Library. In this article, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding this release.

Important Note:

Beginning September 1, 2024, a video using the old scene library cannot be edited. In order to continue editing, you'll need to switch the video to the Optimized Scene Library.

Although editing is not available after September 1st, you will still be able to approve edits that you made before this date.

Switching a video to the Optimized Scene Library is a quick and easy process. After switching, you will not only enjoy a richer selection of scenes but also be able to use many features that are compatible only with the optimized scenes.

If you have a question that is not covered below or for any assistance using scenes, reach out to SundaySky Support.

First things first, what is a scene?

Scenes are the building blocks that comprise your video. Their purpose is to deliver a message that supports the video you're creating while bringing your content to life. Every scene in a video is a combination of one or more of the following components: text placeholder, media placeholder, logo placeholder, and button. SundaySky has a robust library of scenes, with different placeholders and compositions. Here's an example of one:


What is the Optimized Scene Library?

The Optimized Scene Library is a recent release from the SundaySky Video Platform. It represents a complete overhaul and enhancement of the previous scene library, offering you much more versatility and a streamlined workflow when creating videos. Although this is a considerable change, most of the scenes that you are familiar with—just with slight enhancements—are still included in the scene library, waiting for your use.

What exactly has been improved in the Optimized Scene Library?

1. Standardization
In the previous library, the availability of any scene was dependent on the theme you selected. If you decided to switch the video to a different theme, you needed to revisit your creative choices as a result.

With the Optimized Scene Library, all themes now have the same set of scenes with the same set of compositions, for example: text left, text right, text bottom third, etc. Now, when switching to a different theme, the same scene is applied automatically and seamlessly. Scene availability is no longer dependent on the theme that you selected.

SundaySky designers have also reviewed, refined, and tested every scene to ensure both high quality and consistency across all themes.

2. More Scenes
In order to ensure seamless theme switching, many new scenes have been added to the library. You now have more options than ever.

3. Greater Variety
The new scenes that have been added provide even more versatility and flexibility for crafting videos that perfectly match your creative vision. Here are two examples:

▶ The Single Message with Media scene category now has nine options that increase your creative flexibility and allow for varied message composition: text left, text right, text bottom third, text top third, media focus, and text over media.


▶ The 3 Button CTA scene has new options for message composition. All these scenes also include a new media placeholder, to complement your call-to-action scenes.


How does the Optimized Scene Library streamline creative decision-making?

Previously, you needed to make scene choices based on what was available for a specific theme. This often led to limitations and a lack of creative control. Now, with the Optimized Scene Library, you can freely explore various scenes without being limited by specific themes, thus streamlining the creative decision-making process and granting you additional creative freedom.

What new features can I use with the Optimized Scene Library?

When a video uses the Optimized Scene Library, you can:

Is there anything that I need to learn to work with the Optimized Scene Library?

Nothing at all. If you've switched scenes before in any of your videos, you're good to go! The only things that you'll notice are more scene options across all themes. But just in case you need a refresher, here are some Help Center articles that will come in handy:

Working with Scene Layouts
Changing a Layout (Advanced Options)
Introduction to Scenes
Choosing a Scene Template

How do I switch a video to the Optimized Scene Library?

It's simple!
When you access a video that is using the old library, you'll see a message informing you that you need to upgrade to the Optimized Scene Library. The message is persistent and is displayed until you make the switch. The message is displayed both on the Video Page and in the Studio.

Video Page Studio

Here's what you need to do:

On the Video Page In the Studio
Click Preview to upgrade beneath the message.


Automatically, the Studio will be in preview mode, and all the scenes in the video will be updated according to the Optimized Scene Library. The following message is now displayed at the top of the page:


This is only a preview and the scenes will not be changed until you explicitly confirm that you indeed want to switch to the Optimized Scene Library.

If you would like to compare the old scene with the new one, click Cancel to see the previous scene. You can toggle back and forth between Cancel and Review with optimized scenes.


While you are previewing the new scenes, the Studio is in view-only mode and you cannot edit the video.
We recommend previewing each scene in the video.

I've reviewed all the scenes and I'm ready to make the switch. How do I do this?

When you're ready to make the switch:
1. Click Upgrade at the top right of the page.
2. Click Proceed to confirm that you want to switch to the Optimized Scene Library.
  At the end of the process, a success message is displayed at the bottom of the page and the Studio returns to editing mode.


After you switch a video to the Optimized Scene Library, you cannot go back to the old library.

How different will the new scene be compared to the old one?

In most cases, the changes are very subtle. SundaySky designers, through their creative expertise, have improved each scene with a more aesthetic design (including better positioning of placeholders) and added additional options.

In some cases, a new scene will look remarkably different than it did previously. But, as already mentioned, efforts have been made to create an improved design that we hope you will enjoy using. In a situation such as this, you may need to do some minor tweaking such as realigning text or buttons.

I like some of the new scenes that were applied but not all of them. What can I do?

No problem at all! After you make the switch, you can select a different scene from the Optimized Scene Library.

Will I lose any content when switching from the old scene library to the new one?

No content will be lost whatsoever.

What else do I need to do after switching to the new library?

Like with any edit that you make to a video, the video needs to be approved and shared if you would like your viewers to see the updated version.

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